Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Christmas Gifts~

Well, Christmas is soon going to be over and i have already received a lot of gifts. Thanks to all who have given me the gifts, big or small. Its jus the thought that counts. 2 more days before the Christmas officially ends, will receive more? or give more? lol


It has been a RED Christmas for my as i really received so many “RED” stuffs! From the extremely RED sports gear that my sis2 gave me, to the RED poker from Annie, to the RED document organiser from xiaomei n big bear, and lastly the RED macbk cover from Josh~


First look the the very nice macbk cover from Josh



This is when it is closed. Notice the white apple logo still can lit up. :)



Bought the red keypad. wahahaha Super chio~ right?



Xiaomei n Big bear’s document organiser.






The very nice poker card from Annie.


Didn’t took the red cloths and my sis1 shirt from Zara (Cannot wear, but my new year resolutions will make me wear them in style!) coz they are in the wardrobe already and its 0130hrs le! Got to sleep real soon. Need to write my new year resolutions some time. Coz its a big year for me!!!



Opps, one of the not so red gifts! Thanks Ron n Sean~

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