Saturday, December 06, 2008

Golden sands part 4

This pork trotter really stun us when it came. Jus three of us eating, the girl recommend such a heavy weight dish!

But the "wowed" factor carried through the time we put it in our mouth. The "leg" was so tender n soft that much of it melts in ur mouth. Not the huge chunk of meat that I cut out at the same time loh. (pig pig one) :) the sauce is not like those "loh der ka" type so some might be dissappointed. The sauce is wet n diluted, more like a soup to me. But salty la... I like...

Overall, not that kind of "Zhi Char" I was looking for but it the get together that is more worth while. Hopefully can arrange more such outing again.

Posted by ShoZu


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