Christmas dinner was BBQ food and other brought by everyone. Didnt know it "POTLUCK" in the first place. Got lotsa stuffs for the dinner. [DH u have to pay me the spag and stuffs!!!] lol. But BBQ wasnt a really good idea coz we had to wait quite a while for the food to be cooked. I brought marinated chicken wings, pork slices and scallops... Got helped from josh with the marinate though. lol. He got all those funny ideas in marinating. And they turn out quite nice!
JHVVN's nice looking dining table.
Christmas tree we got for them last year!
Nice hor the tree, it was a 2meter high tree if i am not wrong. We shared quite a bit of $$$ to get that coz we all feel that a tree have to be tall to look nice and it is indeed! Especially with the simple and nice decors on the trees.
After the nice food, we sat down and start to open our prezzies!!! First of all, a photo of our prezzies!
JHVVN with their prezzie.
DH and his prezzies,
CF will never forget her prezzie was wrapped in her tote bag that she brought! WS didnt even bother to wrap for her! Poor CF...
JHVVN and the Bingo set, Addidas perfume and thumb drive that he wants and a Digital Photo Frame from me n WS. (Its the most ex prezzie!!!)
CF and her skin care products, scarf and water bottle. (The water bottle is nice hor!~ Jus a bit not suitable to bring out of work though. :P)
WS and his... OMG... was is that look??? "VIBRO PEN", Mini marjong set and Ultra Cool Laptop Cooler. (Nice hor!)
DH and his T-shirt and Sports towel, CD holder and Decanter (Most worth while present but i was lucky to get it in a sale! :P)
In the end i got a REHAB game from DH,
One nice red Addidas jacket from JH, CF, WS. Since when did i wore a jacket???
Lastly, JHVVN got them a special prezzie, and turns out to be...
Three Shoppping vouchers. lol
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