Thursday, November 05, 2009

Axerbaijan Day 2

I was struggling to name this day one or two, as this is actually a first day of effective work done on my trip. lol Nevertheless, i am too lasy to make any changes... Furthermore, its 3.30am now. (1130 local time) Had a couple of local red wine and my head is feeling a big heavy now. Zzzz....

Well, i have to try to go on. Here goes...

Got up real late this morning, 1100am Singapore time to be exact, but 7 am in Baku. Was up eariler though. Once was at 4.30am local time as some bugger was trying to contact me thru the phone... However he hang up before the number was registered and i continued sleeping. my phone rang again at 5.45am this time it was an unknown call, which i picked up, realising it was some Citibank calls.. @#$%...

Woke up again at 7am local time, coz i was worried that i will over slept. By the time the alarm rang, i was too reluctant to wake up, but i still try to drag myself out of the bed. (I am actually pretty responsible one hor!)

Breakfast was not the usually american breakfast buffet. As the hotel was a small family owned business, the breakfast was simple too. Some coffee and cereals and some great omelette, i am well ready for work. Breakfast feels like lunch in my body... lol

Was in the yard by 9, and realised that the client was not planning to let me go back as there was no transport! Luckily i have my ipod with me to check mails and connect to the outside world if necessary.

Photos of the magnificant mosque right outside the yard.

This is Caspian Shipyard Company loh. (CSC)

Lunch was a mixture of curry n potatoes... Luckily there was two tiny pieces of chicken and the minestrone was actually pretty good. Hence, i didnt die of hunger there. lol

Dinner was good though, the client brought us to one BBQ steakhouse some where in town. Ordered a lamb chop, after highly recommended by a italian who lived in Baku for quite a while. Didnt want to break the old man's heart, (I was prepared to order the expensive steak one), i followed his recommendation and order the lamp chop. Initiall he was suggesting some fishy dishes, but luckily there ran out of fish. lol. I had lamp chops and calamari deep fried. Food where generally good. :)

Have to sleep le... Low batt.... Zzzz....
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