Got "arrowed" by boss on Monday and *Poof* i am in Jakarta ready to go into the Kakap Natuna Oilfield as a Technical Advisor for the hooking up of East Fortune.
Its actually my first time in Jakarta, first impression, Traffic jams... But the worst thing to traffic jams is - Got sent to the wrong hotel and end up have to travel back, meeting the traffic jam once again. *Double Wammy*
Luckily, the hotel is quite beautiful. Towering almost 40 storeys in the middle of the city, it looks like a 5 Star hotel with a more the 5 star service but 4 stars people around. (me la. lol)
To bad i didnt bring my cam around when i went down for my dinner. I was given a 100,000rps voucher for dining in any of the restuarant in the hotel. And i was spoilt for choice! There is a Cantonese Chinse restuarant, a Japanese, a Italian and a Asian cusine restuarant. That is not including the Cafe (usually used for breakfast) and the lounge. I think that is some hotel with so many restaurant in it right? In the end i chose the Asian Cusine because... they serve BUFFET! not only that, it is only 138,000rps! with the voucher they only charge 38,000 for a buffet. Now, i you are not sure y i am amazed, coz 38,000 = S$5.50 only... Well, for the $$$ i am paying, i am not expecting fantastic food. Fantastic the dinner was not, but i am surely well served. The service there was great. From the greetings at the restuarant front door, to the good bye at the end of the meal. I felt more comfortable then any where else.
First i went thru the starters. Jus walking up to see what was offered for the night, i was handed a plate to pick up my food. Nice~ Appertiser was nice deep fried squid in orange tangy sauce, duck confit with mango salad, drunken chicken with small salad, fancy fried fritter with corn n flour, fried taro in "wu xiang" style, greens with balsmatic vineger and french dressing. The fried squid were not rubbery which i feared, in fact, i actually got a second helping! The tangy sauce made it more tasty. The chicken and duck were good too, the duck went very well with the mango, hence, another serving. lol
Next, i walked to the mains table and was greeted by another waiter to ask if i would like to have some rice to go with the mains. Pretty nice i would say, as the food will be good to be eaten with warm rice. There were sauted cuttlefish with "xiao bai chye", stew beef with japanese curry, tofu with spinach and mushrooms, stir fry slice fish, sauted brinja (which i passed of course!), some other two dishes that i forgot. I only remember the cuttlefish coz i think they are not that nice, the stew beef was jus soft enough but the curry was a bit sweet to my liking. (Japanese style one ma...) The spinach tofu was my fav. Some more there was lotsa mushroom. *Yeah* I also walked over to the other end to see the soup noodles being served. I began to realise that u can choose your own ingredients for the soup. So i pick up beef meat balls, fish balls, beef stripe, and beef slices. and lotsa prawns. wahaha. I was giving lotsa soup for a choice. Chicken soup, tom yam, beef ... Before the waiter can carry on, i picked beef soup since i got lotsa beef stuffs inside. :) The soup turns out to be a be more spicy. Also on the salty side. I guessed there are lots of MSG too. lol
After this two rounds, i couldnt stuff my tummy with any more food already. Hence i stopped and pick up some deeserts. There are a good assortments of cakes and deeserts. As i was pretty full, i pick the coconut herbal jelly and mix fruits.
It was a wonderful dinner for me and by the time i reach my room, i was so sleepy and almost wanted to doze off...
On screen was the Asian Food Channel (AFC) and i was quickly hooked to the show, Ramsays kitchen nightmare show. Showing the famous hell's kitchen guy, and he trying to help restuarant business get better.
So much about food, how about some photos of the room!

The hotel room hase a huge shower room, with a massager option. However, i dun really like the massager mode.
The jets were strong and tiny, making my feel the itch when jetting on my flabby tummy. lol
The normal jet is better. :)
Its actually my first time in Jakarta, first impression, Traffic jams... But the worst thing to traffic jams is - Got sent to the wrong hotel and end up have to travel back, meeting the traffic jam once again. *Double Wammy*
Luckily, the hotel is quite beautiful. Towering almost 40 storeys in the middle of the city, it looks like a 5 Star hotel with a more the 5 star service but 4 stars people around. (me la. lol)
To bad i didnt bring my cam around when i went down for my dinner. I was given a 100,000rps voucher for dining in any of the restuarant in the hotel. And i was spoilt for choice! There is a Cantonese Chinse restuarant, a Japanese, a Italian and a Asian cusine restuarant. That is not including the Cafe (usually used for breakfast) and the lounge. I think that is some hotel with so many restaurant in it right? In the end i chose the Asian Cusine because... they serve BUFFET! not only that, it is only 138,000rps! with the voucher they only charge 38,000 for a buffet. Now, i you are not sure y i am amazed, coz 38,000 = S$5.50 only... Well, for the $$$ i am paying, i am not expecting fantastic food. Fantastic the dinner was not, but i am surely well served. The service there was great. From the greetings at the restuarant front door, to the good bye at the end of the meal. I felt more comfortable then any where else.
First i went thru the starters. Jus walking up to see what was offered for the night, i was handed a plate to pick up my food. Nice~ Appertiser was nice deep fried squid in orange tangy sauce, duck confit with mango salad, drunken chicken with small salad, fancy fried fritter with corn n flour, fried taro in "wu xiang" style, greens with balsmatic vineger and french dressing. The fried squid were not rubbery which i feared, in fact, i actually got a second helping! The tangy sauce made it more tasty. The chicken and duck were good too, the duck went very well with the mango, hence, another serving. lol
Next, i walked to the mains table and was greeted by another waiter to ask if i would like to have some rice to go with the mains. Pretty nice i would say, as the food will be good to be eaten with warm rice. There were sauted cuttlefish with "xiao bai chye", stew beef with japanese curry, tofu with spinach and mushrooms, stir fry slice fish, sauted brinja (which i passed of course!), some other two dishes that i forgot. I only remember the cuttlefish coz i think they are not that nice, the stew beef was jus soft enough but the curry was a bit sweet to my liking. (Japanese style one ma...) The spinach tofu was my fav. Some more there was lotsa mushroom. *Yeah* I also walked over to the other end to see the soup noodles being served. I began to realise that u can choose your own ingredients for the soup. So i pick up beef meat balls, fish balls, beef stripe, and beef slices. and lotsa prawns. wahaha. I was giving lotsa soup for a choice. Chicken soup, tom yam, beef ... Before the waiter can carry on, i picked beef soup since i got lotsa beef stuffs inside. :) The soup turns out to be a be more spicy. Also on the salty side. I guessed there are lots of MSG too. lol
After this two rounds, i couldnt stuff my tummy with any more food already. Hence i stopped and pick up some deeserts. There are a good assortments of cakes and deeserts. As i was pretty full, i pick the coconut herbal jelly and mix fruits.
It was a wonderful dinner for me and by the time i reach my room, i was so sleepy and almost wanted to doze off...
On screen was the Asian Food Channel (AFC) and i was quickly hooked to the show, Ramsays kitchen nightmare show. Showing the famous hell's kitchen guy, and he trying to help restuarant business get better.
So much about food, how about some photos of the room!

The hotel room hase a huge shower room, with a massager option. However, i dun really like the massager mode.
The jets were strong and tiny, making my feel the itch when jetting on my flabby tummy. lol
The normal jet is better. :)

The room was fitted with a huge king size bed, with cozy king size bed (that i dun have a chance to sleep much one) and a hug tv! 42 inch at least!!! and sofa and a hug wardrobe! Machiam walk in type!!!
As i was saying, y i dun have chance to sleep much coz i have to fly in approximately 4hrs time... My next flight in at 5am and i have to leave the hotel at 3am... Anyway the client also stupid one la... I flew to Jakarta to be sent to Batam then Matak then KN oilfield... Zzz... They could have told me earlier that i can then go to Batam meet them instead...
What ever la, Think i better order more room service to make sure i dun sleep. lol
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