Friday, February 29, 2008

Dim Sum anyone??

Went to see the Dim sum dollies yesterday with josh to celebrate his birthday. It was a hilarious evening with them, cracking joke of the founding of singapore. It started with the dollies siting on a huge clamshell singing away. Then Hossen Leong came out as Alexandra the great. Funny! He walked to the small miniature of singapore, see see look look, typical Hossen, then exclaimed, "too small" then walk away. Alexandra style. lol Next he appeared dressed up as other characters like, Ceasers, Genhis Khan, Gandi, Indian chief a alot more. Jus a few minutes of his appearance already made us all lauf like mad!

Well all this laufing n clapping lasted throughout the show. With shows of Sang Nila Utama (Hossen) and Spice girls, (Selena as star anise, Pam as black pepper, Emma as ginger, Hossen as chilli, as he is "hot" lol. The last one was actually Cinnamon, which was quite a statue. Then they start singing songs,spice girls song but spoofed of course. lol. Next was a spoof of Pirates of the Caribbean, Selena plays "Jack Shadow" n Hossen Leong play the a captured lady but ends up bargaining for the pirates loot.

There's a lot more like the "Samsui" (Some sui <--- pretty) woman, kamakazi pilots, mata in shorts, where they spoof a song for Mr Lee (u know who la) The songs have lots of words like "professional-lee", "Obedient-lee", "xxx-lee" well u know know wat ba. :)

After the wonderful show, we managed to get a picture with the dollies. :) N bought their CD too. But i personal-lee feels that watching the show is far more entertaining then listening to the cd.

Dim Sum Dollies wif me n josh :)
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