Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back dates :)

Sorry guys that my previous posts were all words, Coa the network on the barge is shit. Those post took me almost 2-3hrs to post u know. lol

Anyway, something tat i wrote the day before:

13th Sept 2008
By the time u all read this, most prob I would be on shore at Vung Tau or better still, back at home le. Hurray!

All this gruesome days offshore have finally came to an end. Actually, I shouldn't really say gruesome. Coz I perpetually was having a holiday. We came off from standby to weather down to mechanical down. All in all for about 7 days. So all these days, apart from the daily meetings and other impromptu meetings that I need to sit in to give comments, I was bascially playing games, surfing the net and... Eating. Lol.

By tml morning, we should have reach Vung Tau already. Due to a problem with our main working crane, we have to go shore to repair it. For me, who had planned a heli ride out on the 15th, it is good news. Most prob I will leave the barge on sun morning to Ho Chi Min to get a plane back home. Provided there is a tic out. *fingers cross*

Finally, I can live civilized again. Working offshore for 20 days is quite boring. Then again, I remember I had previous experiences working out of civilisation. :) it is but, chicken feet to the previous time. What ever it is, it is always good to be home...

14th Sept 2008 (That is jus before i got into this hotel. A gruesome ride from Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh City.... 3hrs...)
Finally on my way back home. Currently on a car with three other Vietnamese stranger, sending me to my hotel in Ho Chi Min. I wonder why do they need three to send me. I dun think it is necessary to change driver, or is it for "lookout" so that the 1st driver wont get into trouble. Then again, the other two is asleep now. Der... Then I wonder again if I am in the wrong car... T_T.

This driver drives like a gangster man... The good think is, I would be able to reach my hotel sooner then expected, which is about 3 hrs... (another 2.5hrs to go), but then will I survive the ride... Best of all, the traffic Vietnam is terrible. They dun have traffic lights at all junctions. And there is an awful amount of round about which are potential hazards to me. Besides that, more then half of the vehicles on the road are motorcyclist, abliet the occasional cow I see on the road. The funny thing is, this perticular driver likes to signals and high beam on the vehicles in front who are too slow. Der... Its 4pm here with a bright sun due west of us, and I seriously think the driver infront cannot see the beam. Further more, he like to high beam at lorries and trucks too. I wonder if those vehicles got rear mirrow or not. :)

Anyway, I am getting drowsy now, oh shit... One truck almost smashed to my side of the car... Maybe I should put on seat belts...


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