Friday, October 16, 2009

Sunrise @ Changi

CC suggested this crazy idea to shoot a sunrise that day.
So the three of us crazily woke up at approx 5am to rush down to Changi to supposely find the best spot for the photoshoot.
Turns out we are not able to find the site, and missed the sunrise... So we end up with some pretty F**k up shots... (Or rather i think its more of my shots were lousy la. lol)

Nothing particular about this shot, jus tot that it is a rather peaceful picture. With better lighting, like sunrise for example..., the shot would look nicer.

Exploring the B&W setting and took this random shot. I find it pretty rustic but yet not subject. lol

Gosh... Josh almost fill up the whole picture!

The sun "risen" and some quick shot of a airplane landing.

CC looks smaller behind this walls...

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